In the past month, you may have been focusing on several resolutions: I will go to the gym or yoga studio every day. I will kick my own butt at least three times a week. I will become so fit that I will develop abs of steel and Olympic-level biceps and be able to go from crow pose to headstand to handstand using only the strength in a single pinkie finger.
All worthy goals.
But what we often forget as we set our resolutions is that a more challenging goal can be the search for inner peace: a calmness and quietness of the mind that allows us to react to and handle life’s ups and downs with greater ease, optimism, and gratitude.
If this is something you know you need to work on in your own life, consider signing up for the last workshop in Three Weeks to Inner Peace, a restorative yoga series.
Week Three—Yin Yoga + Yoga Nidra:
The first week of this restorative series allowed students to explore a wide variety of meditation techniques in a short period of time.
During this final week, students will be treated to one more meditation technique: yoga nidra, an extended, guided meditation.
Yoga Nidra is a guided inward journey. Its name translates to yogic sleep, and it is sometimes also referred to as lucid sleeping. It is one of the deepest possible states of relaxation you can experience while still maintaining full consciousness.
But before taking this guided journey, students will make their way through a brief yin yoga class. Yin yoga is slower-paced than vinyasa yoga—poses are held for longer periods of time—but has a different focus than the restorative yoga of the week before. The aim of yin yoga is to increase circulation in the joints and improve flexibility.
This is the third workshop in a three-week series. The price for this final class is $20. Sign up at the Verona Yoga website.
Hope to see you there!
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