These Boobs Belong To You, Babe

sleepingbebeI never wanted to breastfeed.

I know, I know. This is something I’ve always been wary of sharing.

With those people who dared to pry, in fact–those in my breastfeeding and hypnobirthing classes, those in my new mom support groups, those veteran moms who are a part of my life–I’ve always just said, “I’m going to give it a try and see what happens.” This only to avoid the pitchforks and angry mobs.

I always assumed it wasn’t for me. The cracked and sore nipples. The leaky boobs. The wrestling with nursing cover-ups in public places. The pressure.

Heck, I hadn’t been breastfed, and turned out okay. Why should I feel guilty for wanting to do the same with my own daughter? [Read more…]